5 Ways To Simplify Your Multi-Passionate Life

One of the goals here on this post is to help everyone that identifies as a multi-passionate being what I’m doing to simplify my life


Simplify Your Multi-Passionate Life

Hi Listeer,

How are you going? How did February treat you?

As a multi-passionate, yup that being with multiple ideas and the urge to breathe life into them. I had come to realised that having some certain system in the way you do think help to keep you sane and get more done.

As a multi-passionate being, sometimes you get so caught up in your idea that you must do them all at once.

There is this constant fear of missing out on time and space, all this start to make your life more hectic and need for space.

One of the goals here on this post is to help everyone that identifies as a multi-passionate being what I’m doing to simplify my life

What you can do to simplify yours, so It’s time to get inspired to simplify your life right now!


Go through your emails and unsubscribe from any brands or media that are constantly tempting you to with about the next big deal, change of routine, anything that would allow you to doubt your routine or life unsubscribe from those kinds of mail.

Another thing when it comes to simplifying your life, go through your digital space this could be that note app on your phone, the Notion Page you build cause you were bored, people you follow so you could feel important, words or quote you doodle on thinking it would give you a stable mindset.

Simplify Your Goals

For someone with multiple ideas or the urge to breathe life into your ideas is something I struggle with.

The notion of having so many ideas, so much passion and so many paths in front of you, can leave you feeling helpless and tired by all the other constant thoughts of doing it all.

So what I do to simplify my many ambitions is writing my life goal in so many paragraphs of words and pictures, early on I learnt that when you finally look deeper at all those ideas, you figure out a tie that holds all those passion in the middle.

Redefine Your Success

Success, what exactly is the definition of success? Anyone could pull off one on the internet and say that their definition of SUCCESS.

Early on in life, I figure out that my definition of success is different from the internet’s own; Success to me means freedom, the freedom of doing what I want and having the freedom to start another.

Don’t let what other people say about success influence you to the point of dissatisfaction.

Allow yourself to let go of the desire to keep up with the Joneses or the feeling that you always need more to be happy.

Find out what makes you happy with your success and do it with purpose and intention.

Are you a planner? Do you take the time to plan out your month, set goals and re-strategist your time? here are 7 things to do at the beginning of the month

Figure Out Your Hour

As a being, one thing I had discovered is that we all have this physical and mental groove that outline which range or hour of the day, we are more productive.

Some of us are “morning people,” some thrive more at night and some thrive more in the early morning and late at night, I’m someone that is more productive during the hour of 24:00 AM to 02:00 AMat night, 05:00 Am to 08:00 AM, 10:00 AM to 13:00 PM, outside of that I’m a lazy bird.

Previously, I assumed there are only society standards of working hours, turns out, everyone had their own most productive hour of the day

Know Which Passions You Want To Focus More On

Knowing which passion you want to focus more on as a multi being, allow you to bring that unique point to yourself, your brand or your business, one thing I had struggled more with was the lack of time and help in building my multiple ideas.

For example, in my life, I have this grand notion to start 4 different businesses but it was exhausting like I got no coach to talk to me more on my clarity (can’t afford one) and I got no assistant that could lend a hand, NY families never understand what I’m doing or what I stand for.

What did I do to change that?

Well, I wrote a little autobiography on my phone that I go back to any time that spark of starting something strikes.

Doing this allows me to figure out what is important and how much brain power I need to allocate to that idea, that is not to say that there are no days when I’m not feeling there are days but I do need to remind myself how and why I got started.

Remember that even if you decide to give most of your hour to one business right now, you can always start a second business later or pivot along the way.


Don’t get stuck thinking you have to simplify everything all at once.

Find small ways to simplify your life every day and all those tiny changes will add up to big results over time.

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